Sizing for Captive Portal
Hi everybody, I am looking for an appliance with the ressources to hande about ~600 CP users in average. This said, I do not know a realisitc numer of IP connections. Usage is for a large hotel. We have currently a 600Mbit synchronous ISP connection. At the moment this is handeld by a pfsense VM with 8GB RAM and Xeon CPU which is about 5 years old. I think the current system is much more then needed. I was thinking about a 6100 netgate appliance instead. There is no need for any VPN (only for remote adminstration of the network, so max 1-3 connection, so this should be no point) ... Are my thoughts realistic? Thanks for answers in advance!
If the device handles the bandwidth without portal then it'll probably do fine with it.AFAIK CP doesn't add a huge overhead.
@heper thx
@diwoda said in Sizing for Captive Portal:
for a large hotel
I'm using it for a small hotel (32 rooms).
Look here for a large school.
A couple of 100 users is 'nothing', if you have the bandwidth to share to make them happy.Remember : a captive portal network uses the same resources on a pfSense firewall as a normal LAN networks with an identical number of users.
The portal part is only used during authentication : showing a web 'login' page - and handling the POST of that webpage, and if succeeded, adding the users IP and MAC in a firewall table.Note that the link shown above talks about user bandwidth limiting, that failed. But the issue has been found and can be solved easily.
edit : lol, the user who found the issue was @heper
@gertjan hi, thank you far as i've overflown the post, the problem only happens in combination with radius athentication. this is not what i do in my scenario. i do no auth at all, but just a simple "click through" CP... however. I'm well aware of the fact that the CP by itselfs does not create heavy load. overall i lack experience with how much ressources houndrets simoultanous connects need (without any additional services like proxy or whatever which would add more load). what i see is, that my current system seems to have no problems at all with ~600 users with peaks of 300-500Mbits throughput. but as i said, right now I have a xeon system. i do not want to risk that, after switching to a new appliance with "only" a atom (but much newer) cpu, i'm going to have problems related to missing power ;-)
an additional question to this post: does anybody know what the definition of "small", "medium" and "large" business is? in all recommendations from netgate they define it in this scale but I was not able to find a hint where they explaine what they think that small, medium and large is?