PHP Error openvpn-client-export sice update to pfSense 2.7
the Package openvpn-client-export throws a php Error when opening with pfSense 2.7 dev version.
PHP ERROR: Type: 1, File: /usr/local/www/vpn_openvpn_export_shared.php, Line: 200, Message: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot access offset of type string on string in /usr/local/www/vpn_openvpn_export_shared.php:200
Stack trace:
#0 {main}
thrown @ 2022-10-13 15:40:30 -
The 2.7.0 DEVEL branch of pfSense has been updated with a new PHP version and there are lots of places where incompatible PHP code exists now. Those are being identified and fixed, but it will take time to find and fix them all. No one should use 2.7 for the moment for anything outside a pure testing environment in my opinion.
You should also report issues like this to the pfSense Redmine site here:, so the developers are properly notified and can track the issue to resolution. There is no guarantee a developer will notice a post in a random section of the forum.
There is also a Development sub-forum where you can post about the 2.7.0 DEVEL branch here: