Failover dual wan not working properly
I have a netgate 1100 and have my main ISP in WAN port and backup ISP in the OPT port.
I setup the gateway group and set the main IPS priority above the secondary so i would expect all traffic to go over WAN.
When i have the failover setup i get mixed results- ping seems to work fine
- Web traffic will hang when i use wget from a linux host
- Windows host browsing seems to work but is showing backup IP when i do what is my ip.
I also update the outbound firewall rule to point to the gateway group.
Any guidance on how to troubleshoot?
I have an old linksys that does the failover really well. I was trying to replace with the 1100.
@brian0 Go to Status->Gateways and, if you can, post a screen shot of what is there.
@brian0 Blanking out your gateway IPs and monitoring IPs doesn't help you in this situation - it is possible that your monitoring IP = gateway IP is the cause of your trouble, additionally they are not identification of YOUR connection specifically but the upstream one. Many cable ISPs put users in a /20 or even a /16 so your IP could be any of 4,000 or even 65,000 possible IPs in the block.
What is your default Gateway set to? System->Routing. It should be set to your failover group but it might be set to WAN2_DHCP
It's really weird, the gateway probe shows up green.
If i run a tracert to say i see the first hop as my static IP that i'm expecting to be the primary.But when I open a browser and google what is my ip i get the IP of the secondary connection which is a cellular back.
I even tried to set the secondary WAN to force down and the same thing. I can't understand why it doesn't work.
I've tried setting the default gateway to wan1 also and same thing for browsing only, ping and tracert seem to follow the right failover and gw setting. Only web browsing is using he secondary WAN instead of the first.
Also i tried both WANGW and the failover and the same behavior. For browsing it won't use the primary IP assigned to WANGW