Netgate 7100 1U Security Gateway End of Sale
The Netgate 7100 1U will reach End of Sale (EOS) status soon. We are now in the last-time-buy period. Our final stocking order has arrived, and we expect to sell through our inventory by late November. Visit our blog for the complete details.
@mleighton, is there a new, replacement product on the horizon?
The 6100 with rack-mount is the closest equivalent currently. Is there a requirement you have that doesn't meet?
@stephenw10 I already have the 6100 with the rackmount kit (which I love BTW). Just wondering if there was going to be a replacement with a newer, faster CPU just in case I decide to upgrade to the 5Gb fiber plan later on... :)
@cloudified I had same thoughts. I'm really happy with the 6100. But if there is a new 7100 in the near future I'd like to know before going too deep with 6100s.
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