HAProxy set up with ACME Cert and CloudFlare
Hello all and thank you in advance for your guidance.
I recently started dabbling with pfsense and decided to get into this more with my home network.
A few notes on my set up:
- Packages I have installed are: pfblockerNG_level, ACME & HAProxy
- I am routing my network traffic through PIA
- My NAS is specified as using SSL
Followed the steps in this video but have issues still, so hoping someone can point me in the right direction: SSL Encryption on Your Home Server the SIMPLE WAY - Cloudflare, pfSense, HAProxy, ACME https setup
The goal was for me to be able to access pfsense and my NAS externally.
Firstly, internally, I cannot access my NAS, I get an ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED
Externally for my NAS, I get and ERR_FAILED.Below is my cloudflare set up:

Appreciate any advice. Thanks
@perplexed I know this is old but I don't look here often...
You posted what I am assuming is your public DNS entries but nothing on what you configured in your pfSense.
Can you show us how the HAProxy is configured? I would also suggest disabling the pfBlocker until you get this working - in case you configured it to block your traffic in error.
Ok, I know this is an old post, but I'm going by the same guide video.
I get to HAProxy, and it doesn't have the "ACME cert" in the CA list
Anyone know what to do? I'm a n00b with this part
There is a new video, perhaps it can help you..
It was released today.