what device supports 1.7gbps on wireguard VPN. can someone test?
Hi, what negate router should I upgrade to that will allow me to see 1.7gbps through Wireguard VPN encryption protocol?
currently i have a sg3100 but i just recently like yesterday upgraded my internet speed from 300mbps to now 1.7gbps. i realized my sg3100 may only be capable of 250mbps running wireguard vpn. so this is why i need to know what new device i should upgrade to, to see the 1.7gbps over wireguard vpn package installed in pfsense on a netgate router.
also, it hasnt been explored yet so is there someone that can test that please?
@musicwizard @maglub do you have a sg6100 you can test the speed on please so i know what to buy?
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