I set up apcupsd but I am not getting the full status in the widget. I am not sure what would cause this since pfsense is able to talk to the UPS.
Missing "Status" and "Load" readings.
It looks like apcaccess -h isn't returning full information
Anyone know what would cause this?
It's not going to be able to detect a power failure since the Status check failed. I tested it and it doesn't shutdown when it reaches the battery level setting.
Any help would be appreciated.
IIRC it returns everything the UPS reports to it over the interface, so it's possible the UPS itself isn't sending back the data, though what you do see there doesn't seem to be data from the UPS but meta information from
.You might try different driver settings to see if any others work and have data.
It's also possible there may be a firmware update for the UPS that fixes the issue but that's not something the package can do or tell you.