HBO Max stopped working
The pfSense WAN gets a public IP directly though right? So even if it's a router it's bridging the connection to act as a modem only.
If the public IP the host got when you connected it directly to the ISP device was different to that which pfSense receives then it's almost certainly HBO blocking your IP. Spoofing the pfSense WAN MAC should resolve that by pulling a different public IP.Steve
@stephenw10 I spoofed the MAC, plugged in cable again, could see I got a new IP from my isp modem, HBO Max now works again. Def. looks like I was blocked, but they either could not see that or didn't look hard enough. Why they blocked me is completely unknown. Unless itäs because I was running a Tor Relay on a Raspberry Pi on my network?
Surprising if it isn't an exit node but....
The IP might be on a more general list though I'd expect more sites to be rejecting it if that were the case. You have no problem connecting here for example and we use a number of anti-spam lists. I'd have to guess it was flagged by HBO somehow. Too many clients? Logins from multiple locations? But that really is a guess. -
Does anyone have an IP list for HBO Max to whitelist in PfSense?