23.01 crashing and won't reboot without console connection
23.01 upgrade has been a real dumpster fire. this system has been so stable on 22.05. not one crash in over a year running, and now, not only does it kernel panic when trying to rename the previous boot environment, but I can't even run 22.05 anymore because packages are all out of date, and there seems to be no way to install or use any packages because they are all for 23.01 now. this is totally unbelievable. after it crashes, the only way to get it back up is connecting a console cable, because it seems to be getting stuck rebooting too. at least I'm not running this mess on anything other than a home lab, because if this was on a customers network, I would be totally screwed right now.
my hardware: Protectli Vault FW2B - 2 Port, Firewall Micro Appliance/Mini PC - Intel Dual Core, AES-NI, 8GB RAM, 120GB mSATA SSD
I have asked this question before and not gotten an answer. does anyone at negate want my crash log?
Yes, lets see the log.
What does it show on the console when you connect? What do you do to reboot it?
The 22.05 packages are all still present. Just set the upgrade repo to 'Previous stable version (22.05)'.
@stephenw10 I don't really want to post it because I don't know how much private info that it contains. can I send it to you?
I am running zfs, so I can just reboot to the 22.05 boot environment. I have the console connected through a terminal emulator that doesn't initialize it display until I hit the enter key, so it is always progressing through the boot when I connect, but no way to know where it was stuck when I connected the terminal. right now, I am still sticking with 23.01 but keeping the terminal connected so I can keep watch on it.
Sure, upload it here: [URL Removed]
@stephenw10 thanks, I added some notes above. was editing when you replied. I have also unintalled pfblockerng, because it seemed likely that it's causing problems and always causing me trouble.
That's only the header, do you have the full crash report?
The panic is interesting though:
Panic String: spin lock held too long
That was when you attempted to rename a boot environment snap?
@stephenw10 yes last crash was cleaning up the boot env name after upgrade. how can I get the rest?
I would expect to see a much larger tar file presented in the gui. Unless it was remoevd it should be in /var/crash.
@stephenw10 I deleted it then, I was given 2 options, download tar file or file, and I downloaded the file. didn't realize that might be less info. nothing in /var/crash. it seems you have to delete it to get rid of the banner message.
Ah, unfortunate. Well you could try to trigger it again. That would prove its not something difficult to repeat. I'll try to replicate it here.
What were you renaming it to?
It works as expected for simply renaming the BE. On my test box at least.
@stephenw10 I noticed that the name actually stuck after the crash / reboot. renamed to 23_01-working. have since renamed it to 23_01-crashing, and no crash this time.
It could have been coincidental. Looking at previous similar panics they are all in pf and nothing to do with ZFS or the filesystem at all.
If you see it again we'd love to review it. -
@stephenw10 woke up to crashed pfsense again, and still won't boot after a crash without console connected. I have a much larger textdump file if I can send it to you again, would appreciate you looking at it. I see openvpn going up and down. its there any chance this could be affecting it...
Sure if you can upload the full crashdump here I can review it:
@stephenw10 thanks. ok, uploaded. thanks. maybe I need to contact protectli about bios settings or something preventing it from rebooting unattended after a crash. I suspect it's doing something like windows does after a major crash and is asking whether to boot normally or not, but since it's a major pain when the internet is out, I just plug in the console cable and hit enter on the blank screen, and it boots.
Ah the backtrace may be telling here:
db:1:pfs> bt Tracing pid 63462 tid 100268 td 0xfffffe00d2cbb720 kdb_enter() at kdb_enter+0x32/frame 0xfffffe00d2a704e0 vpanic() at vpanic+0x182/frame 0xfffffe00d2a70530 panic() at panic+0x43/frame 0xfffffe00d2a70590 _mtx_lock_indefinite_check() at _mtx_lock_indefinite_check+0x68/frame 0xfffffe00d2a705a0 _mtx_lock_spin_cookie() at _mtx_lock_spin_cookie+0xd5/frame 0xfffffe00d2a70610 uart_cnputc() at uart_cnputc+0xaf/frame 0xfffffe00d2a70640 cnputc() at cnputc+0x4c/frame 0xfffffe00d2a70670 cnputsn() at cnputsn+0x6a/frame 0xfffffe00d2a706b0 putchar() at putchar+0x14a/frame 0xfffffe00d2a70740 kvprintf() at kvprintf+0xf5/frame 0xfffffe00d2a70860 _vprintf() at _vprintf+0x8c/frame 0xfffffe00d2a70950 printf() at printf+0x53/frame 0xfffffe00d2a709b0 trap_fatal() at trap_fatal+0x280/frame 0xfffffe00d2a70a10 trap_pfault() at trap_pfault+0x4f/frame 0xfffffe00d2a70a70 calltrap() at calltrap+0x8/frame 0xfffffe00d2a70a70 --- trap 0xc, rip = 0xffffffff80f9352c, rsp = 0xfffffe00d2a70b40, rbp = 0xfffffe00d2a70b70 --- X_ip_mrouter_done() at X_ip_mrouter_done+0x31c/frame 0xfffffe00d2a70b70 rip_detach() at rip_detach+0x3f/frame 0xfffffe00d2a70ba0 sorele_locked() at sorele_locked+0x89/frame 0xfffffe00d2a70bc0 soclose() at soclose+0xeb/frame 0xfffffe00d2a70c20 _fdrop() at _fdrop+0x11/frame 0xfffffe00d2a70c40 closef() at closef+0x24b/frame 0xfffffe00d2a70cd0 fdescfree() at fdescfree+0x4b3/frame 0xfffffe00d2a70d90 --Exceeded input buffer-- exit1() at exit1+0x4c7/frame 0xfffffe00d2a70df0 sys_exit() at sys_exit+0xd/frame 0xfffffe00d2a70e00 amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x10c/frame 0xfffffe00d2a70f30 fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0xf8/frame 0xfffffe00d2a70f30 --- syscall (1, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_exit), rip = 0x8233c886a, rsp = 0x820ca3bd8, rbp = 0x820ca3bf0 ---
And the panic:
Fatal trap 12: page fault while in kernel mode cpuid = 0; apic id = 00 fault virtual address = 0x0 fault code = supervisor read data, page not present instruction pointer = 0x20:0xffffffff80f9352c stack pointer = 0x28:0xfffffe00d2a70b40 frame pointer = 0x28:0xfffffe00d2a70b70 code segment = base 0x0, limit 0xfffff, type 0x1b = DPL 0, pres 1, long 1, def32 0, gran 1 processor eflags = interrupt enabled, resume, IOPL = 0 ns8250: UART FCR is broken spin lock 0xfffff80001a9ec40 (uart_hwmtx) held by 0xfffffe0010cf6e40 (tid 100006) too long panic: spin lock held too long cpuid = 0 time = 1677315261 KDB: enter: panic
And this could certainly be why it doesn't reboot. It looks like something is continually sending data to the UART console perhaps. That would interrupt the boot. What consoles do you have connected there and what are they connected to?
@stephenw10 this router is in my basement, so I have a console cable plugged in with an ethernet extension on the other end and nothing plugged in to the upstairs side, unless it goes down. don't know if that sounds clear but basically an ethernet cable plugged into the console port but open on the other side, like an extension cord. then, after a crash, I plug into that cable with a usb console cable and plug into my mac and open my terminal emulator program. do I need to go to the router and unplug the extension cable from the router side? do you think having a console cable plugged in to the protectli and open on the other end could cause this?
btw, the script that I referenced above has a php echo command in it, but that works without errors, so I don't think it shouldn't cause issues. I do have that script set up to run on a cron job every 5 minutes, but pfsense sends lots of info to the terminal in normal operation, so that php echo shouldn't hurt anything, right? did you see in the dump file that openvpn was going up down up down? that concerns me too since my custom script does exactly that.
Yes, I could imagine an unterminated very long console cable could generate enough random noise to send some characters.
Does it reboot normally from the gui with the console in that state? That would no different after a panic.
It may also be that something is generating the interference triggering the panic and then interrupting the reboot and doesn't apply at other times. -
@stephenw10 if you are asking if I can reboot from the gui with that cable plugged in, the answer is yes I can. but for now, I will unplug it on the router side too, just in case. then plug in both sides next time. I also need to just drag a monitor and keyboard down to the basement next time, so I can see what the message on the screen says and hopefully figure out why it hangs after a crash. I saw this post this morning that fed my suspicion that there's a message on the screen after a crash, that just needs to be acknowledged for booting to continue...