Tuning NGINX for access to several other services (Smokeping, Grafana, Prometheus,...)
Hi, pfSense Gurus!
How to tuning nginx (If I understand correctly, exactly nginx in pfSense are responsible for this) to giving access to other services (let’s say like Smokeping, Grafana, Prometheus,..) that already configured and working on pfSense server ?
(Each of them have own separate dir with cgi/php/html's, I just need to have access to.)Like, for example, access to ntopng service in pfSense done on a separate port: pfsense.local.lan:3000.
(Now pfSense WebGUI itself are on pfsense.local.lan:8008)Only this great topic about Smokeping exist on this forum, but it is 7-years old(!), and also the downside that solution required installing additional Apache (than eating A LOT of server resources compare to NGINX, and NGINX was already installed) and also manipulations with vHosts... So not looks like great way.
Thank You for opinions, help and detailed suggestions !
I know that running something other than pfSense on pfSense server may create more vulnerability, and less stability to whole FreeBSD work, so do not bother on this. ;)
All three software products are good developed, stable, with a minimum possible bugs, and have a huge installbase with millions of everyday testing on penetration. And all of them are good in this manner.
So, just give me right solution;) -
@sergei_shablovsky No one? ;)
What problem are you looking for a solution to?