Pfsense configuration on aruba cloud Italy
Hi all, I hope to don't bother anyone but to find the help I need.
my issue. Scenario:
aruba cloud VM, pfsense with public ip, and virtual machine with public ip.I have a few question.. for example i deleted the 1:1 nat on the pfsense but i can still ssh to the virtual machine with the public ip of the vm. there is also a port forward enable from the pf sense public ip to the vm lan but i cannot ssh to the vm with the pfsense public ip.
More.. if i disable port forward i cannot ssh to the virtual machine with the public ip of the virtual machina.My question, if i disable 1:1 nat where is configured the public ip of the vm.
there's something I am not understanding or I am missing anyway please help me to understand please
really thanks
best regards -
no one ? maybe I didn't explain good
the scenario at beginning is
1 vm with pf sense and public ip and lan
1 vm with another public ip and lan
how is possible that disabling 1:1 nat i can still get to the vm with is own public ip? no the pf sense vm obviusly