PPPoE Link Down (After Network Maintenance)
My ISP is Bell (Canada) and I have a HH3000 which has a removable GSON ONT module.
For about 14 months I had the 1.5Gbps/1Gbps fibre module plugged into my Netgate 6100 and it worked flawlessly. I have the following pfSense version:
21.05.2-RELEASE (amd64)
built on Fri Oct 22 15:24:02 UTC 2021
FreeBSD 12.2-STABLETo make this work I have the following key configuration pieces:
VLAN Configuration
- Parent Interface: ix0 (90:ec:77:1c:a5:fc)
- VLAN Tag: 35
- Description: Bell Fibe Internet
- ...
PPP Configuration
- Link Interface: x0.35 - Bell Fibe Internet
- Username: <Bell Account Name>
- Password: <Bell Account Password>
- Service name: <Blank> [Checked] Configure NULL service name
- ...
Interfaces / BELL (pppoe0) <-- WAN3
- IPv4 Configuration Type: PPPoE
- IPv6 Configuration Type: None
- MTU: 1492
PPPoE Configuration - Username: <Bell Account Name>
- Password: <Bell Account Password>
- ...
Interface Assignments
- BELL: PPPOE0(ix0.35) - <Bell Account Name>
- ...
I received an email saying that from 12am to 6am today that they would be doing maintenance network upgrade and my service would be down for no more than 10 minutes.
Suffice it to say the service completely stopped working.
A Bell technician:
- After a number of tests swapped out modem for another HH3000 and new GSON ONT
- At the end of my street changed the port of my connection to another port
- Left without finding any issues
- Through the HH3000 the fiber connects however it has 150Mbps/250Mbps speeds when it is connected by ethernet to the LAN port of the modem
So essentially:
- The HH3000 connects but the service is at least 4X slower than before
- I know the Bell account name and password is correct as I changed it online and successfully applied it to the HH3000 to get it to re-connect
- When plugged into the Netgate 6100 the 2 green LEDS on the GSON ONT are either always off or come on and stay solid when I disable and re-enable the interface
- However on the interfaces page if click "Connect Bell" it connects and on refresh of the page or on the dashboard the link is immediately down
The logs seem to indicate that it cannot bring the link up:
Mar 3 00:48:44 ppp 86335 [opt2] Bundle: Interface ng0 created
Mar 3 00:48:44 ppp 86335 [opt2_link0] Link: OPEN event
Mar 3 00:48:44 ppp 86335 [opt2_link0] LCP: Open event
Mar 3 00:48:44 ppp 86335 [opt2_link0] LCP: state change Initial --> Starting
Mar 3 00:48:44 ppp 86335 [opt2_link0] LCP: LayerStart
Mar 3 00:48:44 ppp 86335 [opt2_link0] PPPoE: Connecting to ''
Mar 3 00:48:53 ppp 86335 [opt2_link0] PPPoE connection timeout after 9 seconds
Mar 3 00:48:53 ppp 86335 [opt2_link0] Link: DOWN event
Mar 3 00:48:53 ppp 86335 [opt2_link0] LCP: Down event
Mar 3 00:48:53 ppp 86335 [opt2_link0] Link: reconnection attempt 1 in 2 seconds
Mar 3 00:48:55 ppp 86335 [opt2_link0] Link: reconnection attempt 1
Mar 3 00:48:55 ppp 86335 [opt2_link0] PPPoE: Connecting to ''
Mar 3 00:49:04 ppp 86335 [opt2_link0] PPPoE connection timeout after 9 seconds
Mar 3 00:49:04 ppp 86335 [opt2_link0] Link: DOWN event
Mar 3 00:49:04 ppp 86335 [opt2_link0] LCP: Down event
Mar 3 00:49:04 ppp 86335 [opt2_link0] Link: reconnection attempt 2 in 1 seconds
Mar 3 00:49:05 ppp 86335 [opt2_link0] Link: reconnection attempt 2
Mar 3 00:49:05 ppp 86335 [opt2_link0] PPPoE: Connecting to ''Bell pushed changes to their modem about 8X and speed tests are always poor.
The odd thing is that it seems like NetGate is out of sync with the interface and its status. I also may have altered some of the configuration when trying to fix this.
I am at a loss as this worked fine for so long. Any thoughts???