Intel I225V B3 will not hit 1gbs on WAN
I Just rebuilt PFSense 23.01 on a new micro firewall appliance (Celeron J4125, 8gig Memory 256gig SSD). As i have been tuning i can not get it to hit anything over 700 mbps down and 500 mpbs up. I have a full 1g/1g fiber service and the ONT supports 2.5 gbps connections. anyone else have this issue? i have tried multiple tuning guides on Netgate to no avail. Any help would be great.
@abent32 I've got no fix for you but I'm interested in what packages you have installed and what tuning you've done so far.
When I first looked into the J4125 everything pointed to it be capable of passing more than 1gig (non ppoe) with no ID/IPS.
@abent32 I get 1G/1G with a c3558 and i225s
Cheep Chinese gear doesn’t always work right.
If you’re testing by using something like Speedtest what you’re seeing isn’t that abnormal or surprising.
Those kinds of test results depend on things not in your control.
You have probably already turned off flow control via the system variables, and the offloading features in System, Advanced, Networking in that case?
In that case, you may also need to go to Services, ShellCmd and add lines like this for each igc port you use:
ifconfig igc0 -txcsum -rxcsum -tso4 -tso6 -lro -txcsum6 -rxcsum6 -vlanhwtso -vlanhwcsum -vlanhwfilter -vlanhwtag -vlanmtu
Adding one line for each of igc0 - igcx
Unless you do that all the offloading isn’t totally turned off, and you may find you are capped at about 700-800 ish.
@cappie no packages while i test. I was using the guide below to get some ideas. using that got me up over 700 down about 400 up -
@vollans Tried this. actually made it worse by 100 mbps both directions.
@abent32 You did reboot the device after the changes?
@abent32 is your connection PPOE? How's the CPU usage?
There's a long thread on ServeTheHome about these boxes and I'm sure it's on there someone had an issue like this. Cant remember how they fixed it but the entire thread is a good read. Just don't fall for the upsell of the N5105/J614x. Most pushing that are either virtualizing the firewall or letting alot of CPU power go to waste.