kalau ente make squid dibawah versi 2.7 ya bagusan diskd,
kalau diatas itu ya bagusan aufs,
ane udah cerai sama sama diskd, bahkan kabaranya di versi lusca selanjutnya diskd & ufs akan di hilangkan, jadi adanya coss,aufs & nulltaken from http://www.xenion.com.au/squid/docs/6.html
Squid-2 defaults to use async disk operations for disk read() / open() ; Lusca uses the async disk operations for -all- operations. This improves performance on FreeBSD/Solaris, where write() / close() may block more often than not.
FreeBSD-7 supports full kernel supported threading (as does FreeBSD-6.x) and as such the "aufs" store model should be used by default. LUSCA_HEAD has some tuning to make AUFS perform better under FreeBSD than the Squid defaults.
ane coba benchmark squid-2.6.21, squid-2.7.6, squid-3.1.x, cacheboy dan lusca dengan menggunakan diskd dan aufs dengan user > 2000 dan bandwith cuma 6 Mbps, dengan monitoring mrtg-squid, nyontek mrtg-nya disini http://www.xenion.com.au/squid/docs/5.html
spek server dell blade dual xeon, mem 8Gb dan scasi disk 6 biji (1 OS, 1 log, dan 4 utk cache) dengan pemisahan file2 kecil di cache1 &
cache2, file2 besar di cache3 dan cache4)hasilnya :
diskd bagus di squid-2.6.21
aufs bagus di lusca,
cache hits tertinggi menggunakan lusca,
jadi ya ane pilih lusca hehehedokumentasi sederhananya sih sudah di buat, cuman utk kalangan sendiri, project freelance :D
Om2 ane numpang tanya dunk,,ane baru pakai pfsense nih.. jd newbie bgt..
di system lognya kog kayak gini ya,,apakah proses instalnya yg salah?! :-[php: : SQUID is installed but not started. Not installing redirect rules.
hampir sama kasus ku tp setelah aku kasih:
cache_swap_low 90
cache_swap_high 95udah nga main2 swap mem lagi Lusca na…... ;D
mohon bantuannya bro kambeeng….^_^
MB : Matsonic G31
HD : 250 GB
NETWORK : REALTEK 10/100 + 3Com +
PFESENSE : 1.2.3 RC1
DIGUNAKAN UNTUK : WARNET 20komp..Load Balance Speedy 1mb+ 2mbpfsense sudah jalan selama 3minggu dengan squid Lusca....tiba2 terjadi error
NG: R/W mount of / denied. Filesystem is not clean - run fsck
mount: /dev/ufs/pfSense: Operation not permitted
GEOM_LABEL: Label ufs/pfSenseCfg removed.
** /dev/ufs/pfSense
** Last Mounted on /
** Root file system
** Phase 1 - Check Blocks and Sizes
** Phase 2 - Check Pathnames
** Phase 3 - Check Connectivity
** Phase 4 - Check Reference Counts
** Phase 5 - Check Cyl groups
1962 files, 48949 used, 7508 freGe (2124 frags, 6E73 blocks, 3.8% Ofragmentation)
ABEL: Label for provider ad0d is ufs/pfSenseCfg.
** /dev/ufs/pfSenseCfg (NO WRITE)
** Last Mounted on /tmp/freesbie.9fVNqBzC/cf
** Phase 1 - Check Blocks and Sizes
** Phase 2 - Check Pathnames
** Phase 3 - Check Connectivity
** Phase 4 - Check Reference Counts
** Phase 5 - Check Cyl group -
cara mengaktifkan squidguard log di pfsense 1.2.3 gimana sih? gimana caranya tahu apakah squidguard-nya berfungsi dengan normal atau tidak selain liat dari log?