Home network
Hi to all!
Please suggest your best way and well secured to connect home network.
Have pfsense on old laptop, home laptop, desktop pc, mobile phones and tv sets. Pfsense laptop have additional usb ethernet adapter but cant work with traffic shaping normally. Router support VLAN switch and Ethernet switch on WAN and LAN. Desktop pc have 2 ethernet cards. -
Please 22 viewers and no one tip))) Any tips?
@antibiotic You're question isn't very clear.
What exactly do you want to know?
But I will say get rid of the USB nic. Gonna be more trouble than it's worth.
If your switch is vlan capable you're better off using vlans for the WAN and LAN on the one nic in the laptop.
The best would be to get a pc with al least 2 nics for pfSense. -
So I'm understood you suggest to make router as switch vlan on wan and lan of router than ethernet cable connect to router wan and lan router connect to laptop pc with pfsense. Is it correct and desktop pc connect to the rest lan of router which going as switch? But in this case router will not work already like wifi router only like a switch. But i have also home laptop and mobile phones. I have desktop with 2 nics but in this case he should be always keeping power on and dont switch off. The MAIN of my question , how best connect all my devices with this configuration to home network . Now I'm connect ethernet to laptop with pfsense and lan going over usb adapter to wan of router than connect over router lan to desktop pc and wifi going to wifi devices of my home. Wifi router have DHCP wan and static lan and this configuration working. Pfsense laptop have static wan and DHCP on lan and suspect this is bad idea. But don't have experience how to make connection better for avoiding conflicts between router and pfsense laptop. Other option like understand to connect first home router to ethernet than laptop with pfsense to home router lan but in this case i dont understand how to protect whole my home network with pfsense firewall! -
@antibiotic said in Home network:
Now I'm connect ethernet to laptop with pfsense and lan going over usb adapter to wan of router
Are you asking how to use a wifi router as AP?
Think there is a bit of language issue here - maybe you would have better help asking in section of forum with same native language speakers?
Normally when users graduate to using pfsense as their router, the wifi on their network is via an AP and not a wifi router doing nat.
Now you can get fancy with this if device your now going to use as AP supports vlan, or you just want your wifi on their own segment you can do that physically without vlans by plugging your old wifi router into just a port on pfsense.
But if your goal is just to provide wiif to your network, with everything behind pfsense on the same network. This can be done with any wifi router.
Turn off its dhcp server, set an IP on this wifi router lan interface to be on whatever network your going to connect it to. Now connect your wifi router you wan to use as AP via one of its lan ports to your network. Now anything connecting to wifi would just be on the network you connected the AP too.
Pfsense would be the gateway for all your devices, and it would hand out dhcp to all devices, etc.
I'm apologizing for my language. I did in English because think will reply more faster. What was done:
Pfsense laptop wan to ethernet and lan to router lan. Disabled DHCP on router and get pfsense range IP address. Now have internet on wired desktop PC. Wifi in AP mode. Pfsense laptop have external DNS servers on general setup option. DNS resolver( network interfaces: LAN and localhosts) in forward mode to upstream DNS servers. Did not install any additional soft for this moment like snort or pfblockeng. Firewall rules default state. Can entering in GUI interface of both router and pfsense , from desktop PC and home laptop. But now dont have internet access from my home laptop over wifi. Please assist me, what is wrong in setup! -
@antibiotic said in Home network:
Pfsense laptop have external DNS servers on general setup option
what does that have to do with anything? Those are only used for pfsense to lookup stuff when the local dns unbound fails - unless you setup forwarding in unbound.
If your wifi device can access pfsense gui, then if using that as its gateway and for dns it would have internet just like anything else on your network.. One thing that comes to mind if your using say AP isolation and prevents wifi clients from talking to devices connected to the lan ports on your wifi router.
My comment to your own native language - while there are more english users here I believe and sure you will get more views and even response faster maybe in english section. Sometimes for complicated questions or setups, some stuff gets lost or garbled in translation is all..
When were disabled DDNS and all IPV6 DNS servers as well on home router the problem is solved. Thanks to all for assistance!