WAN weird behavior
Regards, I have a virtual CE 2.4.5-RELEASE-p1 virtualized on VMWare Esxi 6.7, I want to update it to 2.6, but strange behavior occurs when I try to connect an external host:
with current version 2.4.5-RELEASE-p1 if I ping external host (or any other), the response is ok, but using 2.5.2-RELEASE or higher (including latest version 2.6) if I ping an external host (or any other) there is no reply, so I can't navigate through that virtual machine.
I tried with installations from scratch of both versions and the situation is the same, I tried placing a router between the updated pfsense and the Internet provider's equipment, in that case the tests from the same virtual machine still do not access the external hosts BUT I can navigate through that virtual machine.
What could I check to make the updated version 2.6 work like the current version 2.4.5-RELEASE-p1 does?
Thanks in advance. -
@augustojg what do you see in Status->Gateways when the pings are failing?
@rcoleman-netgate, that its another weird thing, in both case gateway status show Offline, but in 2.4 external hosts reply is Ok when ping on pfsense wan, but fail when ping in 2.5 or upper, please check it out both trace, when respond and not:
WANpacketcapture-2.4andLowerdOk.cap WANpacketcapture-2.5andUpperNotOk.capThanks for you support,
Regards. -
@augustojg If dpinger is reading the gateway as down it will not route anything.
Go to System->Routing and click edit on the WAN. Set the monitoring IP if one is not set. If one is change the IP to something else -- the requirement is that it has to ping something on the internet every second to maintain status. If no IPs work you can disable the Gateway Monitoring Action but you will have no insight to the route being down if and when it does go down.
@rcoleman-netgate, not matter if disable monitor in both case, the result its the same: in 2.4.5 version (and lower) external host is reached but in 2.5.2 (and upper) is not reached.
Please see the image
@augustojg what shows up in the system logs on 2.5.2?
Note that support for 2.5.2 is over and it will not receive any updates so I would suggest troubleshooting 2.5.2 to a be a moot point now. Compare against 2.6-RELEASE since it is still receive patches. 2.7, when released, will be on a much newer release of FreeBSD.
You likely have something in your config that is not compatible. What? No idea. But troubleshooting against 2.5.2 is probably a fruitless effort.
@rcoleman-netgate, dear, 2.5.2 is just a stop on the way of trying to get an updated version to 2.6 functional for my scenario as 2.4 is at the moment, as you can see when upgrading to 2.6 the problem of accessing external hosts persists and yes, most likely there is something wrong in my configuration, I just want to know, if is possible, which direction to point to try to solve this issue