Walk through needed for ipv6 routing installation
I'm both new to pfSense and ipV6. pfSense is now working with ipV4 on a somewhat older AMD pc.
My internet connection is via a "GHTelcom 5G CPE Pro 3" https://www.ghtelcom.com/5g-cpe-pro-3/, supplied by my provider. It contains a DHCP and DHCP6 server and it delivers V4 and V6 addresses.
I tried to setup ipV6 too, according to https://whirlpool.net.au/wiki/pfsense_ipv6_telstra, but to no avail. I see in the dashboard of my pfSense 2.6.0 installation both ipV4 and ipV6 addresses for my WAN interface, but only an ipV4 address for my LAN interface. Clients get an ipV4 but no ipV6 address.Any help appreciated, Hans
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