Lost PPPoE connectivity after update to 23.01 on Netgate 3100
I have two WAN connections on my 3100, a cable modem and VDSL using PPPoE, after updating to 23.01 the PPPoE interface will no longer connect to my ISP, using IPv4 or IPv6.
The PPPoE process seems to correctly acquire my IPv4 subnet, but then I get a PPP daemon error and it all dies.
Mar 24 12:01:31 local ppp[96062]: [wan] IPADDR
Mar 24 12:01:31 local ppp[96062]: [wan] IPCP: state change Ack-Sent --> Opened
Mar 24 12:01:31 local ppp[96062]: [wan] IPCP: LayerUp
Mar 24 12:01:31 local ppp[96062]: [wan] ->
Mar 24 12:01:32 local ppp[96062]: [wan] IFACE: Up event
Mar 24 12:01:32 local ppp[96062]: [wan] IFACE: Rename interface ng0 to pppoe0
Mar 24 12:01:32 local ppp[96062]: [wan] IFACE: Add description "WAN_Merula"
Mar 24 12:01:32 local ppp[96062]: [wan_link0] rec'd unexpected protocol IPv6, rejecting
Mar 24 12:01:32 local ppp[96062]: [wan_link0] rec'd unexpected protocol IPv6, rejecting
Mar 24 12:01:34 local ppp[15284]: Multi-link PPP daemon for FreeBSD
Mar 24 12:01:34 local ppp[15284]:
Mar 24 12:01:34 local ppp[15284]: process 15284 started, version 5.9
Mar 24 12:01:34 local ppp[96062]: caught fatal signal TERM
Mar 24 12:01:34 local ppp[15284]: waiting for process 96062 to die...Initially I was also getting the 'The Router Advertisements Server is active on this interface' error on the interface despite RA being disabled so could not change settings, so clearly this issue previously reported was never fixed. I used the static address workaround the get access to settings and disabled IPv6 which many 23.01 updaters are finding unreliable, but this makes no difference and still no IPv4.
I'd love to restore the previous working version, but it seems Netgate does not support that, amazing really. Or perhaps I'm supposed to reset the box and start again?
Anyone else having PPPoE connectivity issues?
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