CA/Certificate entries are expiring
I saw this while fixing something, should I be concerned about this? Is there anything I need to do? Thanks!
The following CA/Certificate entries are expiring:
Certificate: webConfigurator default (59f11bddc1a53) (59f11bddc1a53): Expiring soon, in 21 days @ 2023-03-27 03:01:00 -
@mariog click the little renew button on the cert in the cert manager. Even if your not using it - it will continue to bug you about it expiring or being expiredl
hey there,
well...depends on whether you are using the default cert or have managed to get your own individual cert...
In case you are still using the default one, should act: get yourself your own cert.
Cert Manager is your friend. -
@johnpoz Thanks! That worked just fine. I am not knowledgable about certificates and was nervous about changing anything that might break web access.