How to restore config from 5100 to 2100?
Out SG5100 died. Ordered a 2100 to temporarily replace it. Restored saved config from 5100 to 2100, but got a port error of some kind. Confused about what to do next... Help, please.
@rloeb Message is "Interface mismatch detected." The only action I can take is to delete the LAN interfaces. Then I can't access the GUI...
@rloeb It should ask to assign the ports during restore. Since the 2100 has a switch the restore is probably removing the switch config? Netgate frequently offers to convert configs for free if you open a ticket with them. If you were using more than two ports on the 5100 they can also convert it to use VLANs to isolate the switch ports.
@steveits Thank you! Opened a ticket. I believe the device has an old version on it.
@rloeb Instant turnaround from Netgate support!!! Got it running. Now need to update system version.