FTP Server outbound?
I have an FTP server running locally but am having trouble with the data port connection when a client attempts to connect from outside. I have the control port 21 and a 10 port range of data ports forwarded through pfSense properly. I can get a Filezilla client to connect up to the server properly from outside my LAN, and then the client gets a data port back from the server which is within the range of what I've forwarded, but then when the client asks the server for a directory list on the share, the server shuts down the connection. I'm wondering if pfSense is somehow restricting the server's outbound traffic? Thoughts would be appreciated! And yes, I've been reading and reading all of the prior postings, but most are dealing with steps behind me at this point. Thanks.
@stgeorge said in FTP Server outbound?:
10 port range of data ports
Are those the 10 ports specified in your FTP server?
Check your logs - there will be blocked traffic calls. I have my own PureFTPd server set up with a hard-set range of ports for transfers and those are blessed in the firewall and it works flawlessly.