Port forwarding for Cisco/Yealink Web GUI
I am new to PFSense and currently having trouble how I can access the web GUI of our cisco/yealink phones with a external IP address.
Btw, I have a existing NAT for our PBX server so I can access it outside and works fineExample of my situation
Phone IP and want to access their WEB GUI externally using my home internet.
Your help would be really appreciated!
I was not able to get the real point of your problem, but there are often only two situations for this;
- You VPN in from outside and will be able to reach the WebGui of the phones
- You will be setting them up inside of a network LAN
and you can reach them from there.
The third option is to do masquerading on the internal interface on traffic towards the phones, if the reason is that they are blocking access from outside.
However, to set up a VPN might be more secure.
@etengftw I think I tried this with a Yealink phone but IIRC the web interface didn’t honor/use the custom port. So it might work if you forward 443 but not other ports.
Thanks for the help guys. I have fixed it by setting up a port forwarding for my external IP
VPN wasn't possible because I have not set up 1 for them. I'll use it for the meantime while I'm studying how to set up vpn