PFSense rewriting all traffic?
Yes so, as described in that first link, if you're using FQDNs that resolve to a public IP on the firewall and have port forwards setup then accessing them from inside the firewall does not hit the port forwards and hence you get the webgui instead, which listens on all IPs.
Use NAT reflection or split DNS so internal hosts hit the expected targets.Steve
@johnpoz Okay, I see what you're saying.
I have attempted to resolve this issue by ensuring that Pure NAT was enabled and I have set up Split DNS as well, however, what is being said about 'this will only happen on LAN and not WAN unless Firewall rule.." is not necessarily true? unless the Firewall rule is Port 80 for web traffic.I have transferred all ports from our previous Firewall, I have set up DHCP and Split DNS and I am still having PFSense catch all traffic, even from WAN from my phone.
I must run my children to school and I can post configs of all these, if that would be helpful.
@dgarner said in PFSense rewriting all traffic?:
if that would be helpful.
Seeing what you did would help us point out what is not right yes..
@johnpoz (PS, Thanks, as well, @stephenw10 for all of your help, gentlemen)
I don't know guidelines on photos, so I will refrain and use only text to display configurations.
NAT Reflection mode for port forwards: Pure NAT (also tried with Helper on LAN interface)
DNS Server 1: Local PFSense IP (Not 127)
DNS 2: Google
DNS 3: Alt. GoogleFirewall:
Firewall Aliases IP
Nginx - / Port Forward:
Interface: WAN
Dest. WAN Address
Port Range 80 / 8080 / 443 (Respectively)
Redirect target IP: LAN Address (just changed .. turned on Airplane and tried again, nothing.)OMD, Example:
Interface: WAN
Protocol: TCP/UDP
Dest. WAN Address
Dest. Port Range: 6555 - 6559Redirect target IP: Single host -
Redirect target port range: 6555Rules to Match.
DHCP Maps out all main nodes, as an example..
MAC Address: [MAC]
Client ID: [MAC]
IP Address:
Hostname: Nginx
Gateway: [IP to PFSense Router]DNS Resolver
Network Interfaces: All
Outgoing Interfaces: All
DHCP Registration: Unchecked (Perhaps this would be easier ...)
Static DHCP: Unchecked (Perhaps this should be easier ...)Host Overrides:
Host: Nginx
IP Address: Names for this Host:
Hostname: Home
If you want me to take ss or submit an actual conf. file, I would willing to do so.
conf files would have to be redacted some, of course. -
@dgarner said in PFSense rewriting all traffic?:
I don't know guidelines on photos
screenshots are always better - please post screenshots of your portforward and wan rules. Also let us know if you have any rules in floating.
@johnpoz Sounds perfect, sir.
This is an example, as there are roughly 60 ports open at the moment.
And here is one thing in particular I am attempting to work out ...
I think this is perhaps a good beginning?
@dgarner what are you wanting to do here
That makes no sense to me..
edit: these make no sense either
Why would you forward something that is hitting your pfsense wan address to pfsense lan address? Are you trying to get haproxy to reverse proxy something to inside your network?
if your running nginx as reverse proxy somewhere behind pfsense, the forward would go to that specific IP..
@dgarner said in PFSense rewriting all traffic?:
Redirect target IP: LAN Address
Yup that's almost certainly incorrect.
@johnpoz The whitelisting IP was an attempt to get connectivity to my phone to the network in a rush before I had time to properly install Twingate or a VPN.
This will be deleted now.
Thank you for making me notice this again. :DYes, as I believe I said above, that's exactly the objective.
I am using Nginx by F5 (Not NPM or whatever with the red gem logo) along with Apache as a reverse proxy and am attempting to allow clients to connect on the outside via "web ports."80 = duh
443 = duh
8080 = Ports on which Apache AND Nginx are running same server, Nginx (80) and Apache (8080) should be serving web content to clients, which almost all of my servers have some sort of web content, even if it's something such as an administrative "CPanel" type web interface.I know I have attempted to not use LAN Address before, but I will change back to specific host and see if that resolves it now that things are more configure that previously.
Thank you for the for confirmation @stephenw10 -- it genuinely means a lot from both of you guys, thank you. :D
@dgarner what do you think these do exactly?
Those are not doing anything..
How many more like that do you have? You mention something about 60 ports?
Not sure why your running a reverse proxy inside your network, why would you not just run haproxy right on pfsense? Much cleaner way to do it imho.
@johnpoz said in PFSense rewriting all traffic?:
@dgarner what do you think these do exactly?
Those are not doing anything..
How many more like that do you have? You mention something about 60 ports?
Not sure why your running a reverse proxy inside your network, why would you not just run haproxy right on pfsense? Much cleaner way to do it imho.
Because I have been running a reverse proxy much longer than I have been using PFSense.
I will look into HA but as NGinx is already set up, it's at least preferable to have it working momentarily until I can make time to switch to HA.Those ports were not originally "LAN/LAN" and "WAN/WAN" --those were spaghetti against the wall trying to make this work. Haha.
@johnpoz As an example, most of my Port Fowarding/Rules look like this,
@dgarner those look normal - not sure why any reason to hide rfc1918 space? Are those public IPs you obfuscated? Are you routing public IP space to behind pfsense? If so there would be no need for any port forwards.
If they are rfc1918, as long as that .10 address isn't pfsense address, then those should work unless you had blocking in floating, or in wan that blocked?
When troubleshooting port forwards.. Normally couple of minutes running through the troubleshooting guide will find the source of the problem right away.
spaghetti against the wall trying to make this work. Haha.
Never a good idea ;) just makes a mess.. I taste my spaghetti to know if its the proper al dente hahah
@johnpoz No, I'm just hyper paranoid. :)
So, in recap, I have shifted NAT IP from LAN Address to Individual host with port and rules in place to support it, NAT reflection is on Pure NAT and DNS Split is enabled and set up along with DHCP entries to match -- and all machines use PFSense as primary DNS nameserver, including the machine in question.
Woohoo -- sorta. All of these have led to finally resolving on LAN side -- ... still not WAN from my phone, though? Hmm.
At least we're getting closer.
@dgarner said in PFSense rewriting all traffic?:
still not WAN from my phone, though? Hmm.
First step for me would be to actually validate traffic hits your wan from outside via sniff, can you see me . org is good place to test tcp traffic from outside.
Then sniff on the lan side interface while doing the test traffic, does pfsense send it on? That would point to maybe a firewall issue on where your forwarding too? Pure nat would nat the source IP, which wouldn't be a local IP. With split dns the IP would be local so maybe the host your sending too allows its own network, but not remote networks, etc.
@johnpoz Great point. Thank you for the reminder.
Ports still remain closed to the outside world.
@dgarner I would suggest we look at your forward that is not working, and your wan rules for this port.. If tcp send some traffic via say can you see me.. You should be able to track down the problem in couple of minutes..
@johnpoz So, this may be curious?
So, there is definitely something listening on all ports previously mentioned, not sure why it says closed and not filtered so much, but will build to it.
I've showed you P/F, but here is rule for 80.
Destination is blank and not able to be edited - this is perhaps the main thing I could think of, but why would I not be able to edit it, if that is required to point to a specific host.. I guess another question would be, why it's not done automatically, so much.. but for our purposes ..
Is this perhaps why and how do I edit it, if it's locked out?
@dgarner this is wrong that is for sure
That sure isn't the IP address of this caesar box is it? Your port forward should be to that IP on your lan, some rfc1918 address... Or you proxy your running, it sure isn't going to be pfsense lan IP.
@johnpoz omg, gahh..
These are auto-generated rule matches for NAT P/F ... Why are they not matching exactly or editable?
I guess the job for tonight is to delete all these rules and add them manually with correct IP ... :$