pfSense VM & Virgin Hub 4
I'm trying to get my pfsense setup working and hitting an issue with the DHCP assignment to the WAN. I've searched through a bunch of similar posts but most have no outcome or solution.
My network layout is below:
hub4 -> netgear g324 switch -> esxi host (uplink) -> pfsense VM.
I've a vlan assigned to the port that the hub4 connects to which isolates traffic to just the pfsense VM.
I'm able to place the hub4 into modem mode and this appears to be successful. Initially the pfsense VM receives a DHCP IP in the 192.168.100.x range which matches the range that the hub4 is in when operating in modem mode.
This should then change to a public IP from Virgin but this process doesn't complete (this is what happens if I connect a windows VM to the same uplink instead of the pfsense VM).
I'd rather avoid building a physical box for this so if anyone has similar experience or managed to get it working, I'd love to hear from you.
The local private subnet is usually just to access the modem for diagnostics and it's usually only available when the upstream cable connection has lost sync. I wouldn't expect it to appear on a normal connection.
However you can stop pfSense pulling a lease from the local server by adding it's IP to theReject leases from
field in the DHCP client config on WAN. So it's probably or