Restore 2.6.0 config on pfsense+
Is it supported, or should I install 2.6.0, restore config and then upgrade?
@securvark You can restore older versions of the config file on newer versions. you are asking how to reinstall Plus, you need to install CE and upgrade to Plus again.
@steveits Thank you.
I know how to (re)install Plus, I asked because the restore was failing via the GUI.
When I uploaded the xml from 2.6.0 in the latest pfsense+, the GUI loaded for a minute, and then ... nothing. I checked all the logs and found nothing.
I installed 2.6.0 again and restored and it actually did the same thing. I know the file is right because I tested it after making the backup last year (this file was archived).
I now resorted to restoring the config from the commandline by copying the backup to pfsense and copying it in place manually (cleared cache and reboot).
This seemed to have done the trick.
Im not sure why the restore in the gui failed, the file is not that big (~ 200 KB I think).
If I made a mistake by copying it, I would appreciate some tips on how I can troubleshoot the restore via the gui.
Thanks again!
@securvark No errors logged, onscreen or in the system logs? It should restore and reboot. I'm aware of this issue:
@steveits Logs, but I don't think I checked that particular logfile. I can check my backup for those double entries to see if that were the case.
In any case, I'm back up and running and about to start the upgrade to +
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