Port Forward 'Any' Ports - Gotchas?
Hi Guys,
We create port forward rules from public IP to LAN IP for 'any' port range on TCP. Is there anything missing to get this working if we have the firewall rules created under 'WAN' section to allow?
Did this earlier and the firewalls had internet access, ICMP traffic was flowing but the ports and SSH specifically was not connecting even though all firewall rules dictated it should...
@matt_sharpe NAT rules will automatically create a firewall rule for you unless you tell it not to when creating the rule. You should not need to add any rules on WAN unless you want your firewall to be accessible from the Internet.
I can't say I've tried forwarding all ports in a NAT rule though I don't know of a reason it won't work. I have used 1:1 NAT to do that though.
Ensure the firewall on the device on LAN allows connections from outside its local subnet.