Call issue with cisco IP Phones
Does the phone register as expected?
Is it using it's own service to determine the external IP and that is using the wrong WAN? Check all states from the phone IP.
IP phone registered properly, also outbound calls working fine but the inbound calls facing issue. When i hangup the call from inbound side device it's didn't hangup.
I'd guess the phone is advertising the wrong IP for incoming calls to connect to.
Do you have access to the PBX to check how it's registered?
Otherwise I would capture the SIP packets and see what it's sending.
We tested soft-phones the same configuration working fine but when we tested on CISCO IP Phone issue rises.
Right. So the softphone is probably correctly using STUN or similar to detect it's public IP and the hardware phone is not. Probably just not configured to do it.
Everything working fine when i did same sanrio on CISCO Router but when Firewall is in between then this issue happen.
Did that other router include a SIP ALG?
Usually when we see this it's because the previous router did have a SIP ALG and that was correcting and hiding the bad config on the phones or PBX. pfSense does not include a SIP ALG so it then fails.
I wonder if you had Siemens desk phones if they would work. I was trained on all the Siemens PBX systems they really sound good high quality. I was really impressed with them. Cisco phones are good but they always seemed like the quick go to phone for everyone.
802.1q enabled? Cisco uses that for tagging
You need to run some tests to see what's failing.
Try to place an incoming call, look for the SIP traffic from the PBX on the correct WAN.
If it's not there look on the incorrect WAN to see if it's sending it there.
If it doesn't arrive at all the phone is probably sending a bad IP for the PBX to connect to. Check the SIP registration packets to see that.
It would be surprising that audio works both ways if it is sending the wrong external IP though.Steve