PHP error type 1 in crash_reporter.php line 90
Receiving the following error in pfsense...
ERROR: Type: 1, File: /usr/local/www/crash_reporter.php, Line: 90, Message: Allowed memory size of 536870912 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 365039520 bytes)
pfsense 2.4.4 p3 since it won't let me upgrade either. I've searched Google but cannot find a way to resolve this. Can anyone provide guidance in resolving this error?
That error is because the crash report was too large , ~350MB. It exceeded the 512MB php limit.
Check in /var/crash.2.4.4p3 is ancient at this point though. You should be able to upgrade but you might also consider just reinstalling the current version and restoring your config if you've been seeing other issues.
@stephenw10 Thank you. Appreciate the info. I was considering doing just that - backing up, reinstalling and then restoring config. Going to try a couple of things and if nothing works I'll redo and restore.
Yes, make sure the branch is set to 'Latest Stable'. Try resaving it as that.
Try runningpkg-static -d update
at the CLI and see what errors it's throwing.I would probably just reinstall though. Better to start clean with a known good install.