SG-3100 Wireless WAN and Wireless WAN Question
Hello everyone, I am messing around with my old 3100 to see if I can connect the device wirelessly for WAN. I know this is possible but I also want to broadcast to allow clients connect to the 3100 and get internet access. Would this be possible?
I did notice the 3100 has two slots to add a wifi card in, an m.2 and a minipcie slot. Could I add two cards to the 3100 and make that all happen? Is there a list of compatible cards anywhere for each slot?
Thank you
@ccigas Generally wireless support is regarded as “not great” in FreeBSD so it would usually be better to connect an access point to LAN or OPT as desired and use that for wireless. Likewise any AP that can be a wireless client will function as a wireless WAN. A TP Link I just set up recently for someone had that as an option on the card though I don’t recall the model.
At one time that was possible however it cannot be done in 23.05. There was a regression in the upstream ath driver that prevented it loading on armv7 and the number of people using it didn't justify the development effort at the time. I was one of the few users running wifi cards in 3100s. I believe 2.4.4p3 was the last version that had all the required components functioning and it's hard to recommend anyone runs that now.