Issue updating pfSense 23.05
Hi, I have a pfSense box virtualiced on VMWare ESXi, installed as CE 2.6, and update to pfSense+ 23.01, after that updated to 23.05, but now I want to refresh the packages to update tyhe System Patches package, and it do not resolve or connecto of found the path to the repository. (with a machine behind these firewall, using as DNS the firewall, I can browser the http address that show the error.
Next Post some escreens
Error from cli
Here showme that is on 23.05 but the repos are from the CE unusual, queer
Hmm, two issues there. One looks like a backend issue. It should not pull CE repo data or revert to it if it still exists.
Send me your NDI in chat and I'll check it.
If should still have a route to that though. Try setting 'Prefer IPv4' in Sys > Adv > Networking.