No-ip auto confirm?
This post is deleted! -
When you throw these magic words into wold's biggest search engine : no-ip automatic confirmation you will find on the first link this : github / loblab / noip-renew
The script uses 'bash' : don't remember if pfSense has bash by default, but you can install it easily.
python3 : python3.11 --version shows "Python 3.11.2"The scripts hasn't receive updates for two years or so.
So, it's the classic solution applies
Don't think, just $
Don't $ ; you have to think. -
Mmm, it's interesting, the included client in pfSense should force renew the IP even if it hasn't changed. But it looks like no-ip stopped caring about that.
@stephenw10 said in No-ip auto confirm?:
the included client in pfSense should force renew the IP even if it hasn't changed
The DynDNS part works fine.
It's the account with the free DynDNS host name that needs to be validated or re checked every xx days.
The free NO-IP sends a mail every 30 days or so, where you have to 'check present' for the DynDNS account.
It's not a lot of work, but several clicks are needed. -
Yup, I have one. At one time they only sent your that if it wasn't updated within the 30 days but....
thank you for your answers, i have installed this plugin, but im not sure how to check if it works, there are some instructions but i cant manage to see the logs, i have tried this : grep -h Confirmed *.log | grep -v ": 0" | sort
but i get this error : grep: *.log: File or catalog doesnt exist.
how can i see it it works, exept wating 30 days.
@tjabas said in No-ip auto confirm?:
i have installed this plugin
What did you chose ? Are you using a docker (whatever that light be) ? A debian setup ?
Installed where ?