WAN interface configuration issue
Hi guys !
I have a problem with the configuration of my WAN interface, I explain...
I installed a pfsense 6100 behind a fiber livebox of the Orange ISP and my intention was that the public IP address would point to the firewall in order to configure services such as "remote VPN", "Port_Forwarding" and others. Unfortunately when I configure the WAN interface with the public IP parameters (IP, mask, Gateway) so that it points to the firewall it does not give access to the internet, however when I put it in DHCP and it recovers the private IP settings that the Orange box gives it, we have access to the internet but the public IP does not point on the firewall so the configurations for remote accesses (GUI configuration via WAN interface, Port_Forwarding, remote VPN) does not work.
If you need more information please specify and I will give it to you.My question is, how do I get the public IP to point to my firewall?
Thank you in advance for your answers and help... -
You need to remove the Orange router entirely or set it in 'modem mode' (bridged) in order to use the public IP on the pfSense WAN directly.
You may not be able to do that on Orange, I know they have some unusual dhcp client requirements. In which case the next best thing is just to forward all traffic through the Orange router to the pfSense WAN. Often known as DMZ mode.
@stephenw10 Thanks for your answer, I understand now the problem