Crash report after upgrading 2.6 to 2.7
Hi all!
Just upgraded pfsense to 2.7 and when i logged in after upgrade there was a massage stating "pfSense has detected a crash report or programming bug." and a link to diag info: like it cant load a bunch of libraries....
Any tips on how this could be fixed?
J jimp moved this topic from Problems Installing or Upgrading pfSense Software on
The library errors are normal during an upgrade.
The last one is different but looks like one that someone else reported and in their case, it was from a package failing to update that caused other packages to also fail to update. Forcefully upgrading the other packages allowed it to function normally after that point.
I had one of those errors after upgrading 2.6 to 2.7 today. It was due to pfBlockerNG-devel not upgrading properly. I reinstalled the package and everything is back to normal now.
My box is a SYS-E200-9B. -
@jimp said in Crash report after upgrading 2.6 to 2.7:
The library errors are normal during an upgrade.
The last one is different but looks like one that someone else reported and in their case, it was from a package failing to update that caused other packages to also fail to update. Forcefully upgrading the other packages allowed it to function normally after that point.
Now that you mention it quite a few of the packages needed a manual upgrade after updating to 2.7....
If pfBlocker (or some other package) gets hung up it's install script then subsequent packages might not get reinstalled.
The upgrade from 2.6 to 2.7 is large and includes a PHP change which makes pkg issues like this more likely.