Upgrade to 2.7.0 - APU 2 can't see boot loader
Do you have the upgrade log?
Without that it's hard to say what might have happened.
It's probably fastest to in install 2.7 clean and restore your config.
Thanks Stephen. I just did a fresh install and was able to get in. Thanka for the suggestion.
Not sure if this is related. Yesterday I did a quick Test upgrade on one of our lab devices and after the upgrade it would not boot successfully. Only had a few minutes to look at it so I power cycled and tried booting using the previous kernel where it booted up successfully.
When back in the lab I will check if there is a No /boot/loader message.
Mark[1/2] Upgrading pfSense-base from 2.7.0.b.20230621.1553 to 2.7.0...
[1/2] Extracting pfSense-base-2.7.0: .. done -
Ok, came into the lab today to check things out and it is something different.
Discovered it was stopping at EFI framebuffer information .. so on a hunch changed BIOS from legacy boot to UEFI boot and it came right up. Interesting as I didn't think an upgrade would do that.
Cheers, Mark -
Mmm, I wouldn't have expected it to. Perhaps it was running a much older boot loader? Was it installed as 2.6 originally?
What command did you use to boot the old kernel from boot: ?
I was running pfSense 2.6.0 at the time.
@stephenw10 ... hmm, trying to remember. pretty sure the initial install was 2.7 devel (zfs) to get the 2.5 Gb nics working. Did an upgrade to b.20230621.1553 without issue.
@LSE4 from the console it was booting to a menu with a kernel option #6 I believe ... then just Enter.
@SuperTypeGuy said in Upgrade to 2.7.0 - APU 2 can't see boot loader:
pretty sure the initial install was 2.7 devel (zfs) to get the 2.5 Gb nics working.
Not an APU2 then?
@stephenw10 yes correct, not an apu2. :-) We do have experience with pcengines tho. Since the alix!
BIOS Vendor: American Megatrends International, LLC.
CPU Type Intel(R) Pentium(R) Silver N6005 @ 2.00GHz
Current: 1148 MHz, Max: 1996 MHz
4 CPUs: 1 package(s) x 4 core(s)
AES-NI CPU Crypto: Yes (active)
Memory 16GB
4 x Intel(R) Ethernet Controller I226-V