After upgrading to 2.7.0 CE DynDNS is getting only the private IPv6 Address, despite a full fledged public IPv6 is present in the interfacer
another update and hey, new Bugs! :-)
I got on my transfer network interface a private IPv4, a Link lokal IPv6 , a Public IPv6 and a private IPv6 Network Address (which is only used internally).
For years the dyndns client of pfsense had no problem with that and picked for the dyndns service the public ipv6 addres. Which is - thanks to germanys ISPs - randomized every time you "dial" in a new pppoe connection.
Now, after the upgrade to 2.7 the dyndns client fetches the fdxx::: Local Address and sents it to my dyndns provider...... Happy about that. Does not make sense at all.
Is there Anything I can do about that?
Thanks a lot for your help.
PS: under the config option it says :" If the interface IP address is private the public IP address will be fetched and used instead." - I betya.....
J jimp moved this topic from Problems Installing or Upgrading pfSense Software on
Which DynDNS provider are you using?