CARP DUP! on External pings
Can anyone help with an issue we are getting, we have PFSense (x2 Physical Super Micro 1537 running 23.01) in an Active/Passive setup. We are getting a DUP! ping response if we ping to any external device, the connection to the PFSense is a single copper cable from the Core switch (8320) to the interface (CORE_SWITCH) of the PFSnese, the CARP address is configured to be, and the Core switch has a final route of,
Any traffic on any VLAN if headed for the internet will be sent over this link, the DUP! issue is only seen on devices that are in the same VLAN (16) as the CORE_SWITCH interface.
If I ping an internal or the Interface IP ( of CORE_SWICH, I do not get the DUP! pings response.
The packet capture below is from the PFSense and s a server on VLAN 16 pinging Google public DNS, the pattern repeats after this.
External Topology
Does anyone have any ideas?