Intermittant NUT / USB problem - Failed to retrieve status
I am having an issue between by pfsense's nut and my UPS (CyberPower). Googled and found a lot of discussion; it appears that nut / usb is a combination that is unreliable, at best...
Anyway, I was able to make it work. For a while. This is what I observe
1 - Configure nut to use the usbhid driver and added user=root in ups.conf (well, after some further tests, the issue is present even without this extra configuration)
2 - Initially, all is good; I see the stats / value in the Status page
3 - Until I close the NUT page status in pfsense all is good. I can refresh the page and get new values.
4 - If I close the browser tab, or if my workstation sleeps then every 5 minutes I will get a notification that the connection to the UPS is lost. Indeed, if I log into pfsense I can see that nut/status is saying "Failed to retrieve status"If I start over by disabling nut and then reenabling it, the connection to the UPS succeeds. Until I close the Web page.
Well that's weird !
Only since upgrading from pfSense 2.6.0 to 2.70, I've had NUT "Failed to retrieve status" a few times at what appears to be completely random times and unrelated to anything else going on, and definitely NOT related to what my browser was doing at the time. I'm still trying to spot any pattern to this, and will report back in a few days once I've captured screenshots of what I'm seeing.
As your problem seems to be when your browser 'leaves' a web page related to NUT, what happens if you "Restart Service" NUT from Status > Services page ?
For me, doing "Restart Service" immediately fixes the failure, and NUT then works for a few days until it randomly fails again.
This is what appears in the System Logs -
I recently switched my church over to 4100 and had similar issues with nut. I was able to resolve the error by adding interuptonly to the additional driver options field. Which was the solution provided for redmine13997.
@Austin-0 In which of the 4 advacned settings section? Also, do you have the reference to the post where redmine13997 said that? Some context is always useful.
@Austin-0 Ok, The solution works. I mixed the advance section and the additional driver option field.
@ purleigh, in my case, the issue was happening after 1h or so. -
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