VLAN's DHCP pool needed?
@SteveITS said in VLAN's DHCP pool needed?:
@tknospdr I suspect you’re thinking that you can set up the same VLAN on two interfaces and have them communicate. This is incorrect (without bridging). pfSense won’t know which interface should receive the packet. It’s like putting two hardware NICs and putting the same subnet on each.
A managed switch can do this because it’s not designed for each port to be independent.
Correct, I was misinterpreting this:
Where trunking is employed between switches, devices on the same segment need not reside on the same switch.
From this page:
https://docs.netgate.com/pfsense/en/latest/vlan/index.htmlThinking I could trunk between the interfaces on the pfs hardware.
If I bridge the interfaces and just put a static IP on the device connected to ETH3 that's in the same subnet as the provided by VLAN 10, then they can talk?
Or would this work...
Create OPT3 by setting a VID of 10 on ETH3, bridge LAN's VLAN child interface & OPT3. Connect a device to OPT3.
Would that device pull an IP from the pool provided by VLAN 10 on the other interface?@johnpoz said in VLAN's DHCP pool needed?:
Huh? Are you bridging interfaces - do you have a netgate appliance that has switch ports?
No, I have this:
No name Chinese box -
@tknospdr just plug the device you want on this vlan into your switch.. Bridging pretty never the correct solution.
You would create a bridge if you wanted to join networks where one interface into pfsense was say ethernet and the other was fiber, and you switch didn't have a fiber connection and your router did. And then this should only be used until such time as your order for the correct hardware came in ;)
Trying to bridge interfaces because you "want" to use it as a switch port, when its not - is not the correct solution.
That makes sense. I'm fine with learning that a feature is there as a stop gap and shouldn't be used unless specifically needed.
I was up till about 3:30 this morning trying to get everything ironed out after biting the bullet and putting the pfs box into play.
Not everything went smoothly so I'll definitely have some more specific questions over the next few days but it's mostly working.
This was sure nice to see:
@tknospdr nice connection - jealous for sure.. .Love to be able get that here..