Netgate 1100 Unable to access by IP when installed with DHCP from another router
Netgate SG-1100 trying to use it as a home router on top of an existing router. It currently works in repeater mode, serving the original routers IP addresses. This is ok, but I need to be able to access the PFSense device and I want to be able to setup several PFSense packages to do with network monitoring & security but I'm wholly unable to access the webgui regardless of configuration and IP setup. I'd appreciate any help, let me know what info I need to provide to help.
Still looking for assistance on this.
@templateunheard What does "repeater mode" mean? The 1100 is a router not a wireless access point.
Is the pfSense WAN the same subnet as LAN? In that case, one needs to change. You can unplug WAN to configure that via LAN (may be slow as it tries to connect out to the disconnected WAN for updates and whatnot), or connect to the console.
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