Is it possible to have one more e-mail in the firewall notifications?
Pretty sure I used to have 3 addresses entered there, but it stopped working. Not sure if it was from when I was still on CE or after 23.05 - 23.05.1.
@SteveITS Thanks! To create this list, would it be creating with aliases?
I don't know any other way, can you guide me? -
@thenge I was thinking about this. I would guess (if you're not on a corporate or your own public mail server) that you would need to login to the web interface of,, etc. and create a distribution list in your address book so when your sending account authenticates with that mail server it would then send to that distribution list, listed in the pfSense notifications. Not tested..
@provels Perfect thank you! I'll set it up and let you know if it worked.
@thenge you can put in more than one address just , between them. Just tested this to 3 different email addresses
user@domain.tld, user@domain2.tld, user@domain3.tld
I clicked save on the settings, and then clicked send test and got it on all three accounts.
@johnpoz Perfect! I was unable to configure, the system just returned an error:
@thenge well you need to auth if your going to send emails through them.. see the last part of that error message.
If your just talking directly to the server for where your sending the email, its different than sending to different address not on that server.
I use my gmail account, and auth to it, which allows me then to send to any other address from my gmail account.
You would never be able to send to some email address on domainX via domainY, unless you auth to domainY email server..
Here it is :
Your mail client = your pfSense.
( the proposed "login to the IMAP/POP3 server before sending" doesn't exist anymore, that is something of the past )Basically :
When you retrieve mail from your mail server : you have to identify yourself. probably with your 'mail address' and the password.
When you want to send mail via your mail server : you have to identify yourself. probably with your 'mail address' and the password.Btw : free relaying : that : is : use whatever mail server to send your mail was possible in the past. Every SMTP out there was for everybody. They had to shut down that functionality, as something went very wrong
@Gertjan I understood! It won't work out that way. I'll do it another way. Thank you all.
@thenge what is your setup currently for notifications. Just auth and you should be able to send to any addresses you want. I have to assume if your sending to one of your addresses you have an account there?
With gmail you prob going to need to setup an app password.. I have them setup for multiple things I run that can send notifications.
@johnpoz This worked for me as well. I swear I had read somewhere that you had to use a Dirtibution list for this, and I had tried using ";" to separate the emails in the past. Thanks for the solution to something that had been bothering me for a while.
@johnpoz I have an account with a provider called hostgator and I am sending to two different providers. One gmail and another LocaWeb. Gmail works when alone, but when I enter the two destination emails it shows the error.
@thenge To avoid ubiquitous spam, SMTP servers make you log in, before they will send out email. Email to the same server is allowed because that would be incoming email anyway. To send to a third party you need to log in. -
@SteveITS Then how do I send to my cell's txt on from gmail? For that matter, how could you send to any address not on your mail server?
@johnpoz RE: Multiple addresses with comma, that's what I did for years, then it stopped working. Dunno.
@provels said in Is it possible to have one more e-mail in the firewall notifications?:
how could you send to any address not on your mail server
By authenticating. -
@provels said in Is it possible to have one more e-mail in the firewall notifications?:
then it stopped working. Dunno.
I works here, just tested it. More than happy to test it with my 2.7 or 2.6 vms..
You sure your authing, you don't need to auth if your sending to the mail server the mail is sent too.
@thenge hasn't shown how he has notifications setup in pfsense.
@johnpoz Configure it this way:
@thenge well clearly your not "authing" to it.. Since there is no password set.. So no sane email service would let you send mail to other domains without validating its you.
If they did that would be an open relay - and they would be sending just spam all day long, etc.
edit: the only time you use to be able to get away with sending mail without auth was if you were using your isp smtp server, and the only way to talk to it was you were on the isp network. But that pretty much went away as well many moons ago. I am not aware of any isp that allows that to happen any more even.
See before my gmail app passwords, the one labeled pfsense, that is the password that is here
@johnpoz My friend, it worked out great. Thank you very much!