Unable to get wan ip after 23.05.1 update. Undefined constant "IFF_PPROMISC"
Constant is missing.
Update via console aint working because it cannot fetch the data. No wan connection.
How can this be fixed?ERROR: It was not possible to determine pfSense-u-boot-2100 remote version
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Undefined constant "IFF_PPROMISC" in /etc/inc/interfaces.inc:4243
Stack trace:
#0 /etc/inc/interfaces.inc(453): interface_configure('opt2', true)
#1 /etc/inc/interfaces.inc(368): interface_vlan_configure(Array, false)
#2 /etc/inc/interfaces.inc(1595): interfaces_vlan_configure()
#3 /etc/rc.bootup(259): interfaces_configure()
#4 {main}
thrown in /etc/inc/interfaces.inc on line 4243
PHP ERROR: Type: 1, File: /etc/inc/interfaces.inc, Line: 4243, Message: Uncaught Error: Undefined constant "IFF_PPROMISC" in /etc/inc/interfaces.inc:4243
Stack trace:
#0 /etc/inc/interfaces.inc(453): interface_configure('opt2', true)
#1 /etc/inc/interfaces.inc(368): interface_vlan_configure(Array, false)
#2 /etc/inc/interfaces.inc(1595): interfaces_vlan_configure()
#3 /etc/rc.bootup(259): interfaces_configure()
#4 {main}
thrownStarting CRON... done.
ERROR: It was not possible to determine pfSense-u-boot-2100 remote version
Starting package IPsec Profile Wizard...done.
Starting package arpwatch...done.
Starting package pfBlockerNG-devel...done.
Starting package snort...done.
Starting package suricata...done.
Starting /usr/local/etc/rc.d/pfb_dnsbl.sh...done.
Starting /usr/local/etc/rc.d/pfb_filter.sh...done.
Netgate pfSense Plus 23.05.1-RELEASE arm64 Wed Jun 28 03:57:42 UTC 2023
Bootup complete -
J jimp moved this topic from Problems Installing or Upgrading pfSense Software on
That looks like an incomplete upgrade. The IFF_PPROMISC function is new in 23.05.1 so it looks like it has the file but not where it's defined.
Is the WAN just not connecting after boot? You could try running
dhclient mvneta0
at the command line.You can always reinstall 23.05.1 clean and restore your config. That's often the fastest way to get back up and running.
Open a ticket with us to get the image: https://www.netgate.com/tac-support-requestSteve
The solution was a complete reinstall.
although I think it could possibly also be solved by defining the variable in the file itself because that was present. If the file was not present, the error "could not include file ("....")
That solution would have been less time consuming.I must admit that the response time for the tac support was very fast.
If it is good, it can also be said.Case closed