Trouble Accessing Internet on pfSense fresh install.
I just installed pfSense on a Protectli Vault and everything appears to be up and running (WAN and LAN). The only issue I am having is that my computer that is connected via ethernet to a managed switch cannot access the internet. I have referred to this troubleshooting guide but have had no luck. I did do some digging in the firewall logs and there are countless "LAN - default deny rule IPv6". I am relatively new to pfSense so any information is appreciated!
@miss_understand1ng said in Trouble Accessing Internet on pfSense fresh install.:
The only issue I am having is that my computer that is connected via ethernet to a managed switch cannot access the internet.
Does it work when you remove the switch and plug directly into your LAN port?
@rcoleman-netgate The issue persists even if plugged in directly to LAN port. It is a simple 5-port managed switch that I have not yet configured in any way.
@miss_understand1ng said in Trouble Accessing Internet on pfSense fresh install.:
The issue persists even if plugged in directly to LAN port. It is a simple 5-port managed switch that I have not yet configured in any way.
Can you access the pfSense GUI?
What are your WAN and LAN IPs set to? If the WAN is a public address you can redact the last two octets.
@rcoleman-netgate Yes, I can access the GUI. WAN - 75.209.x.x , LAN - 10.27.x.x , Both are showing traffic going in and out.
@miss_understand1ng How are you testing?
Can you ping
Can you ping
can you load in a browser?
@rcoleman-netgate Via Diagnostics / Ping, I can ping, although I cannot ping, and I cannot load in a browser.
I don't care about the GUI - I care about your computer.
Can you ping either of those entities from the computer plugged into your network?
@rcoleman-netgate Results are the same when I ping form my computer.
And what are your DNS-settings?
It seems there might be something wrong...
Since neither pfsense nor your pc can reach i.e. but pings successfully. -
@the-other DNS Servers is set to and in pfSense. When I run ipconfig on my computer DNS servers are 10.27.x.x
@miss_understand1ng Sounds like a DNS issue. Try restarting DNS Resolver in pfSense. Or set your PC DNS to but that would just prove a local DNS issue exists,
@SteveITS AHA! That was it! Simple DNS restart did the trick!
@miss_understand1ng Your daily dose of SteveITS -- almost as good as a handful of Cheese-Its.
@rcoleman-netgate Trying to decide how the Cheez-it scale is scored… 🧐
@SteveITS said in Trouble Accessing Internet on pfSense fresh install.:
trying to decide how the Cheez-it scale is scored… 🧐
Oh the brand name ones are "meh" you come above them ;-)