Filter Reload Error
I recently had the dpinger service crashed suddenly and unexpectedly. Here is the stack trace:
Filter Reload
There were error(s) loading the rules: /tmp/rules.debug:209: macro 'pfB_PRI1_v4' not defined - The line in question reads [209]: block return in log quick on $LAN inet from any to $pfB_PRI1_v4 ridentifier 1770009845 label "USER_RULE: pfB_PRI1_v4 auto rule" label "id:1770009845"
@ 2023-07-10 03:04:59
There were error(s) loading the rules: /tmp/rules.debug:209: macro 'pfB_PRI1_v4' not defined - The line in question reads [209]: block return in log quick on $LAN inet from any to $pfB_PRI1_v4 ridentifier 1770009845 label "USER_RULE: pfB_PRI1_v4 auto rule" label "id:1770009845"
@ 2023-07-10 03:05:20
There were error(s) loading the rules: /tmp/rules.debug:209: macro 'pfB_PRI1_v4' not defined - The line in question reads [209]: block return in log quick on $LAN inet from any to $pfB_PRI1_v4 ridentifier 1770009845 label "USER_RULE: pfB_PRI1_v4 auto rule" label "id:1770009845"
@ 2023-07-10 03:05:28
PHP errors
PHP ERROR: Type: 1, File: /usr/local/pkg/pfblockerng/, Line: 1013, Message: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot access offset of type string on string in /usr/local/pkg/pfblockerng/
Stack trace:
#0 /usr/local/pkg/pfblockerng/ pfb_build_if_list(true, false)
#1 /usr/local/pkg/pfblockerng/ sync_package_pfblockerng()
#2 /etc/inc/ : eval()'d code(1): pfblockerng_php_pre_deinstall_command()
#3 /etc/inc/ eval()
#4 /etc/inc/ eval_once('pfblockerng_php...')
#5 /etc/rc.packages(80): delete_package_xml('pfBlockerNG-dev...', 'deinstall')
#6 {main}
thrown @ 2023-07-10 03:05:32 -
Was that after upgrading?
The de-install error is common across an upgrade because php gets upgraded before the deinstall script. That's normally not an issue.
The filter reload errors are because those pfBlocker aliases are not populated yet. That is usually resolved after the first boot.
If you clear those errors and they do not return it's unlikely to be a problem.