Intermittently Unresponsive in Hyper-V
Just posting here to let you know that I've also had similar issues with a system has been running stable for 5+ years on Hyper-V. Since upgrading to 23.05 (and now 23.05.1) this has begun happening to me. The only difference is that it occurs after about 14 days of uptime, so not easy to reproduce or troubleshoot.
I just had it happen about 45 minutes ago, but log rotation has already purged the relevant system logs. I also send syslog to another server, but of course it didn't receive anything during the outage. I doubled the log size for rotation and extended the retained logs to 21. I'll post another update to this thread next time it happens, and see if I can capture the relevant logs before they get purged.
Unless anyone is seeing this on another platform this thread would probably be better in the virtualization sub.
We've been stable for 4-5 days without touching anything. If it happens again, I'll hop to the other sub. Don't love that something is using a bit of swap and always at 2gb+ ram usage, but it's working well.
So it's been about 6 weeks since anything happened and we had a crash today. Just replying to add 2 pieces of information in case anyone comes across this post in the future. Today we rebooted the VM host for the first time in 8 weeks after pushing some Microsoft updates. Second, I tried to reboot from shell and it hung on stopping ntopng. I think the reboot is anecdotal/coincidental.