Blank Available Packages
Hi everyone.
I run pfSense CE version 2.5.1-RELEASE (amd64) in a production environment.
I want to remotely back up my config file to a NAS on the same LAN. And I want it to do so automatically and periodically (once a week).
I noticed that the Available Packages is empty, so I cannot download Cron.
I can ssh into pfSense, but every attempt to install Cron gives the following /lib/ version FBSD_1.7 required by /usr/local/sbin/pkg not found
I tried running pkg-static update but I encountered the errorpkg-static: Insufficient privileges to update the repository catalogue.
I tried running pkg-static -d update but another errorDBG(1)[52912]> pkg initialized
pkg-static: Insufficient privileges to update the repository catalogue.
Any pointer in the right direction will be appreciated.
You have to be logged in as admin/root to use the pkg utilities at the CLI.
You will have to use pkg-static as you were trying because 2.5.1 is a very old version. The version of pkg your system has is almost certainly newer.
You should upgrade!
Thank you for the response! A couple of things:
- I have admin privileges.
- The "latest stable version" available that I can see is 2.7.0. Selecting it shows me I'm "up to date", with the base system as 2.5.1.
Under Update Settings, it shows just 2.7.0 and 2.6.0 as PREVIOUS version.
Please advise @stephenw10
- I have admin privileges.
You have to actually be logged in as admin/root. Having admin privileges is insufficient.
Coming from that far, 2.5.1, I would backup a pfSense config, and not bothering upgrading the device.
Install clean with a memstick version from pfSense download.You'll have a chance to change the file system to ZFS.
"You want that" and in place upgrading can't give you that. -