Slave psSense not reaching internet
After a reboot of both my pfSense HA machines (slave first, master then), the CARP and HA system seems not to be usable.
The slave node keeps staying in master mode on two networks (WAN and a VLAN), even when the master node resumes all master priviledges on all networks.
Moreover, the slave node always has the Gateway offline, and it can't reach internet (and sync the license among other things)
I tryed putting it in mainetnance mode, rebooting it, but it seems not to be able to resume normal behiviour.Is there a way to debug/Fix without resuming a backup?
Thank you.
Already found out that there was a VLAN misconfiguration on slave pfSense, even if this shouldn't affect the wan and gateway functionality.
I'll check up all of the ports/cables as soon as I can.