In errors in the Lan interface
Hi, i am having in errors in the interface lan and i don't know why. I am also seeing a message as shown in the image bellow.
Does anyone know what's going on? -
@Oluap110 ue0 as your lan? With a public IP.
ue would be like usbmodem sort of connection would it not.. I would think that would be the wan, and not your lan interface.
@johnpoz No, it's a private ip. I just made a mistake when writing, I'm going to change now.
It's probably because it's a USB Ethernet adapter and those can be very variable.
I would try swapping the interface assignments and see if it still shows errors when used as WAN.
Thank you very much, I changed the interfaces and the in errors have changed to the wan, so it was the usb adapter
Yes, generally I'd rather use VLANs with a managed switch than a USB adapter. Though Realtek NICs can also be problematic. But not always.