Crash Report :: 14.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 14.0-CURRENT #1 RELENG_2_7_0-n255866-686c8d3c1f0:
Good Morning,
Crash report for VM (esxi 8) PFsense are attached.
textdump 3.tar textdump 2.tar textdump 1.tar textdump 0.tar info 3.0 info 2.0 info1.0 info 0.0
Pretty the same backtrace each time:
db:0:kdb.enter.default> bt Tracing pid 11 tid 100007 td 0xfffffe001ebbe720 kdb_enter() at kdb_enter+0x32/frame 0xfffffe00c56849c0 vpanic() at vpanic+0x183/frame 0xfffffe00c5684a10 panic() at panic+0x43/frame 0xfffffe00c5684a70 trap_fatal() at trap_fatal+0x409/frame 0xfffffe00c5684ad0 trap_pfault() at trap_pfault+0x4f/frame 0xfffffe00c5684b30 calltrap() at calltrap+0x8/frame 0xfffffe00c5684b30 --- trap 0xc, rip = 0xffffffff80b05c80, rsp = 0xfffffe00c5684c00, rbp = 0xfffffe00c5684c00 --- vmxnet3_isc_txd_credits_update() at vmxnet3_isc_txd_credits_update+0x20/frame 0xfffffe00c5684c00 iflib_fast_intr_rxtx() at iflib_fast_intr_rxtx+0xf7/frame 0xfffffe00c5684c60 intr_event_handle() at intr_event_handle+0x123/frame 0xfffffe00c5684cd0 intr_execute_handlers() at intr_execute_handlers+0x4a/frame 0xfffffe00c5684d00 Xapic_isr1() at Xapic_isr1+0xdc/frame 0xfffffe00c5684d00 --- interrupt, rip = 0xffffffff8125b026, rsp = 0xfffffe00c5684dd0, rbp = 0xfffffe00c5684dd0 ---
That's not a issue I'm aware of. There's nothing significant in the message buffer, is anything shown in the system log when that happens?
Does it happen after a random time?
Hi. Checked the logs, don't see any errors, just listing of the feature. only error and warning is for cdrom0 and spkr.
Also, I've changed the AES-NI crypto option from the [Cryptographic Hardware] section to 'None' (changes applied), have not restarted PFsense, and there are no more errors. Ofcourse Dashboard still shows AES as active until reboot.
And yes, the crash report generated at boot, and at other times, but not monitored. When it does happen the uptime status for PFsense is reset. That much I've noticed as well. From attached capture, uptime is 6 hours from last crash report. Just for the hell of it,
I'll re-select AES-NI, apply changes and see what happens...Ok, been running without error for the last couple hours. Will continue to watch this.
Much thanks, and regards....
Hmm, interesting. Let us know if that seems to have fixed it entirely.
I don't see any reference to aesni in those reports, it would be surprising.
Ok, think I Just found the problem... This likely unrelated to pfsense but memory chip issue with Dell Server.
Sep 18 16:08:41 check_reload_status 408 Syncing firewall
Sep 18 16:08:41 check_reload_status 408 Reloading filter
Sep 18 18:10:42 php-fpm 378 /index.php: Successful login for user 'admin'
Sep 18 18:15:46 syslogd kernel boot file is /boot/kernel/kernel
Sep 18 18:15:46 kernel kernel trap 12 with interrupts disabled
Sep 18 18:15:46 kernel Fatal trap 12: page fault while in kernel mode
Sep 18 18:15:46 kernel cpuid = 4; apic id = 04
Sep 18 18:15:46 kernel fault virtual address = 0xfffffe00c5fff008
Sep 18 18:15:46 kernel fault code = supervisor read data, page not present
Sep 18 18:15:46 kernel instruction pointer = 0x20:0xffffffff80b05c80
Sep 18 18:15:46 kernel stack pointer = 0x28:0xfffffe00c56adc20
Sep 18 18:15:46 kernel frame pointer = 0x28:0xfffffe00c56adc20
Sep 18 18:15:46 kernel code segment = base 0x0, limit 0xfffff, type 0x1b
Sep 18 18:15:46 kernel = DPL 0, pres 1, long 1, def32 0, gran 1
Sep 18 18:15:46 kernel processor eflags = resume, IOPL = 0
Sep 18 18:15:46 kernel current process = 0 (if_io_tqg_4)
Sep 18 18:15:46 kernel rdi: 2000 rsi: 0 rdx: 0
Sep 18 18:15:46 kernel rcx: 0 r8: fffff800058f6400 r9: fffff800058f6800
Sep 18 18:15:46 kernel rax: fffffe00c5ffd000 rbx: 0 rbp: fffffe00c56adc20
Sep 18 18:15:46 kernel r10: ea0 r11: 1 r12: fffff80005222c00
Sep 18 18:15:46 kernel r13: 0 r14: fffffe00c5ff5000 r15: 0
Sep 18 18:15:46 kernel trap number = 12
Sep 18 18:15:46 kernel panic: page fault
Sep 18 18:15:46 kernel cpuid = 4
Sep 18 18:15:46 kernel time = 1695075304
Sep 18 18:15:46 kernel KDB: enter: panic
Sep 18 18:15:46 kernel Uptime: 8h39m43s
Sep 18 18:15:46 kernel ---<<BOOT>>---
Sep 18 18:15:46 kernel Copyright (c) 1992-2023 The FreeBSD Project.
Sep 18 18:15:46 kernel Copyright (c) 1979, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994
Sep 18 18:15:46 kernel The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
Sep 18 18:15:46 kernel FreeBSD is a registered trademark of The FreeBSD Foundation.from:
(Local Database)
Ah OK. Interesting. I would not have guessed that given how similar all the reports are.
I am assuming this from the preboot memory test for the Dell server, which booted without stopping and since I had 3 sites to get back up....onward Christian soldiers?
I'll have to deal with this now. Shit, never a dull moment...
Many thanks and regards, Stephen
oh by the way...nice name! -
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