LAGG settings
Hi all,
Not sure where to post, but hopefully this is the correct place, please move if required.
At home I have a LAGG with multiple VLAN's sitting under it using a Layer 2/3 Hash Algorithm. (Old but very reliable switch connected - doesn't support higher standards :( ).
During the last two upgrades - I've had to crawl in the loft to debug (not fun). I have lost connectivity as this Layer 2/3 setting has not been persisted during upgrades. I've since made a emergency SSID which I can connect to after an upgrade which goes direct via a separate non LAGG LAN and after a upgrade I can use this to reconfigure the LAGG to a 2/3 setting. I suspect however it's a bug that the Has Algorithm setting is not being persisted during upgrades? Is this something known about or already fixed?
I am posting to see if this correlates with other users experiences of upgrades in the last year, or 2 back from the release 2.7.0 using stable builds. I suspect there is a bug where the LAGG Hash Algorithm is defaulting to a higher standard or not being persisted correctly? (System never reboot's normally - due to it being such a stable system! - so its hard to know if it's between reboot's or system upgrades).
Have other's seen this behavior, is this a bug that need's to be fixed or any idea's why after upgrades LAGG's need to be re-setup to the correct standards, since the recent builds?
Thanks in advance, fingers cross this either helps identify a bug, or why current builds need special handling with LAGG's and VLAN's, using a older Hash Algorithm.
@dddave Have you tried installing a clean v2.7 and restore config from backup? If not, try that...might be a faster solution.
J jimp moved this topic from Problems Installing or Upgrading pfSense Software on
I'm not aware of that as a bug. Have you seen that across any other upgrades or only from 2.6 to 2.7?
What exactly did you have to set to enable the lagg? Do you still have the config diff?