Boot hang after restoring backup
@mterwoord said in Boot hang after restoring backup:
or by pulling power cord), so everything is fine.
Not for long.
Pulling out the power is the best way to 'kill' the file system.
Look at one of the many tests to realize this ....Nothing special actually : do the same thing with your :
desktop PC : rip out the power a coupe oftime, and you'll be good for low level surgery on your "disk" device. Most will resort by re installing.
Laptop : without the power brick connect, remove the battery ...
Your phone : back then when Nokia M310 was a thing, you could do so. These days : if you were able to remove the power, Samsung won't be able to save you.@mterwoord said in Boot hang after restoring backup:
How can I work around this issue?
Sure, as mentioned in the thread shown : get an UPS. Or make sure the power never goes out again.
Btw : best thing to do : get a clean system : get the ISO (USB) and do a clean install.
Import the backup and you'll be good. -
@Gertjan Forget about pulling powercord: Restoring my backup on a perfectly fine pfsense installation on the device makes the boot of pfsense freeze.
Does it actually freeze?
Most likely cause is that the restored config is setting the primary console incorrectly. The VM install was almost certainly using a VGA console, are you using the serial console on the new hardware?
@mterwoord said in Boot hang after restoring backup:
Restoring my backup on a perfectly fine pfsense installation on the device makes the boot of pfsense freeze.
You have available alternative backups :
Use any (older) of these.
Ones you've one that's ok, and more recent one isn't, you only have to find the difference between the two of them, to know why pfSense goes belly up.
The backup config file are human readable (XML) files.Added to the free Netgate ABC 'backup' system, I'm using also a Windows executable that connects over SSH into pfSEnse ones a day - en gets the config file. It will auto recycle these files every XXX days (I've set it up to save 100 copies)
And yes, you're right : importing a faulty config can 'break' the system.
S stephenw10 moved this topic from Problems Installing or Upgrading pfSense Software on
@stephenw10 I'll have a test at this tonight. Original device is a APU 2D4 device. Currently it's running on a normal desktop pc with 2 nics. Backup is from that pc, which has a functioning console (on vga).
Hmm, you said it was a config from a virtualised install?
@stephenw10 Sorry, yes. Running temporarily on that. Before that it was APU 2D4. Point I tried to make was, that currently the VGA console works as well. Tonight I can send a screenshot of the moment it stops working.
@stephenw10 And let me clarify: the new device has VGA console. (2x HDMI)
But I will definitely test the serial console angle. -
Yes, the APU would have been set as serial primary with igb NICs.
If the temporary PC also had igb NICs the console may have appeared to work fine. Once it completes boot the menu appears on both consoles. But if there's an interface mismatch the reassign screen will only show on the primary console. The other console will appear to hang.
@stephenw10 This was the golden suggestion. All works now. In the advanced settings I changed to using VGA console as default console, so using VGA works again, which was the behavior I initially expected.
Thanks for responding!